Association Kamenica has symbolically opened the first “pitching” session on BgVForum for start up initiatives that deal with investments with a social component.

According to the protocol, in the first part of the presentationfor 8 minutes we promoted “first socially responsible cooperative” that is developed with the support of Youth Employment Promotion / YEP project in the framework of the German – Serbian development cooperation. After that, the international jury, composed of experts in the field of investment and potential investors from Canada, Polish, Romania, Iceland and Serbia were asking questions related to the development of cooperatives in the next 5 minutes. Already, during these 5 minutes, the universal system of values ​​and social goals of our cooperatives have garnered the sympathy and good comments of the jury.

Conversation with members of the jury and the audience continued even after the formal sessions. According to those present, a special impression was left by the description of a multiple times greater income that lowers towards young users through the cooperative, and the finish of our presentation: “We can not provide you with the extra profit, but we can promise stability and a strong social impact.”

Striking comments were received from representatives of organizations “NESsT” – that the cooperative on similar principles can be successfully established and in several EU countries but also anywhere in the world. while an internationally recognized expert from the organization “Spring” from Vancouver, mr. Keith Ippel said that the development of such cooperatives could raise funds from investors in North America. Mr. Ippel invited us to be guest lecturers at the workshops in Impact Hub.